
Yuliang Weng

Research Software Engineer

Interested in Statistics, Data Visualisation, Algorithms, DevOps, IoT, Mobile Dev, and Cloud.

About me

I’m currently working with many amazing people at The University of Sheffield. I’m passionate about software development and making a positive impact to people’s live. If this website hasn’t been updated much, I’m probably tinkering with latest technologies and find out possibilities. Time is limited (or me being lazy), I tend to automate every process if I can. If this sounds familiar, please do share your stories/tools with me!

Prior to my career I have a bachelor degree in Discrete Mathematics (or Maths & Computer Science). In the final year project, I have created and simulated an operational research model for rescheduling the flight schedules for an airport modeled after London Heathrow. With interests in the statistics behind machine learning, I then went on to pursue a master’s degree in Statistics. I really enjoyed the course and developed a tuneable data-analytic pipeline (written in R) for the transition from raw competition and performance data of NBA players to player and team abilities.

My hobbies other than coding:

You can get in touch with me via:




About this website

I have created this website for various reasons:

Tools I’m using to build this website:

